
Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development

Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development

Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development:The Sanskrit word Yoga means union with God. Stretching the muscles of the body was actually invented thousands of years ago by people to bring their own control over the body and soul. This control was over the life force, a spiritual force called “Kudalini”. When this energy starts from the base of the skull and reaches the head, people can achieve expanded awareness and self-realization.

With practice, self-aware people not only understand their own weaknesses. As yoga exercises revolve around the seven energy centers (chakras) of the body, one also experiences a collective awareness, through which one can sense the spiritual energy of anyone else by fixing their eyes on them. Here’s an easy way to add one at home.

Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development

Sample: (add)

Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development

Step 01-

Find a place to be alone for 5-10 minutes.

Step 02 –

Either on the floor or in a chair, sit up straight.Take off your shoes first. Place both palms on the knees. It is better to sit in half or full padmasana.

Step 03 –

close your eyes Focus your attention from all around the center of your body into the spine. Now very slowly bring it to the soft spot on the top and front of your head as a child.

Step 04 –

Close your eyes and press the spot with your right palm. Now slowly raise the hand up 6 inches keeping the palm down. Keep going up and down like this until you can feel the strength between your head and palms. You will feel it as cold or hot in your palm.

Step 05 –

Bring the attention to the head where the hands are, then bring the hands to the thighs as before. You can also repeat step 4 with the left hand. It depends on which hand is more sensitive.

Step 06 –

Sit like this for 5-10 minutes. When a thought comes to mind, say to yourself, I am forgiven or not now.

Step 07 –

Slowly make eye contact. Try to notice any changes or deviations in your body.

Many people these days practice yoga and meditation together. Meditation is concentrated thought aimed at the liberation of one’s soul. By concentrating the mind, trying to calm the mind by going to deeper and deeper levels of consciousness. Many believe that sages do meditation. But you don’t know how much its benefits are. Before you do any difficult work, sit down and meditate. Think about how to do it. You will see how easy it is to go to work. Another benefit is that you will see how easily you can control your reactions (anger, anger), because you have become more aware of your thoughts than before.

Sample: (Meditation)

Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development

Step 01 –

fix the time Set aside some time to meditate every day. 2 times a day is good. Those who meditate regularly, their thinking and self-control are more than many others.Increase the duration gradually, starting with 5 to 15 minutes. Meditation is most effective in the early morning. At the beginning of the day, the head is calm, so the stress of the day’s work cannot affect it. If you rest in the afternoon, your mind will be calm in the evening. So that time can be done. Many also meditate in the middle of the day to relieve stress from work.

Step 02 –

Place selection. Freshers must choose a very quiet environment. Try not to interfere with TV, radio, mobile. In the stress of office work, one can meditate for a short time in a nearby park or garden.

Step 03 –

Asana should not be complicated. Not that you have to sit on Padmasana. Try to take an easy seat, sit, lie down as you wish. The body should be kept relaxed. Hands and feet will be completely free, nothing can be held. Relax your body by breathing repeatedly.

Step 04 –

Many recordings of meditations are available. It can be followed. Pay attention to a particular line or word. Hindus may chant the mantra or Om orally or mentally. Newbies can count their breaths. 1 to 10, then 1 again. If different images or faces disturb your mind, think of a place that gives you peace.

Step 05 –

calm the mind First you focus your mind on one particular thing. Once your mind is trained, the next step is to just clear the mind, not fixate on anything. After focusing on a specific thing in the previous steps, you can either banish the thought or observe the thought with neutrality, letting it come and go until your mind is completely calm.

Yoga exercises and meditation are other dimensions of spiritual development

There is no use in thinking that I have to do meditation and yoga. First, create interest in yourself. Convince yourself and your family about its beneficial aspects. If children practice from a young age like 12-13, the results will be longer and better. You will see how light your daily long and boring tasks seem. Be amazed at the development of your body, mind and soul. So start small, control your thoughts. A new perception of wellness awaits you.

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