Cancer ingredients in acne treatment products, calls for recall from the market

Cancer ingredients in acne treatment products, calls for recall from the market

In the realm of skincare products, the presence of cancer-causing agents like benzene has been identified in a study conducted in the United States.

Cancer ingredients in acne treatment products, calls for recall from the market

Today, Reuters reports that Valisure, an American research institute, has revealed the presence of benzene in products from multiple brands including Esteé Lauder, Target’s Up & Up, and products owned by Reckitt Benckiser.

The latest news was broadcasted on Google News Channel by The Daily Star . The Connecticut-based research institute has urged for investigation into this matter, withdrawal of these products from the market, and revision of industry guidelines. They have also filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States.

Cancer ingredients in acne treatment products, calls for recall from the market

Valisure states that as a result of this incident, Esteé Lauder’s shares have decreased by two percent. Proactive, PanOxyl, Walgreens’ Acne Bar Soap, and Equate Beauty Cream from Walmart have also been identified to contain benzene.

The institute further reveals that benzene, a ‘potentially high-level’ chemical compound, may be produced in prescription and over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide acne treatment products.

However, the FDA has yet to respond to Valisure’s petition.

Meanwhile, several products such as sunscreen, hand sanitizers, and dry shampoos containing carcinogenic elements have been withdrawn from the market by companies like Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson.

Nevertheless, Valisure asserts that the rate of benzene presence in skincare products is ‘completely different’ compared to other products.

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