Make your own fairness night cream

Make your own fairness night cream

Make your own fairness night cream: Moisturizers are unique in that they maintain the beauty of the skin. There are different brands and budgets of moisturizers on the market. Dry skin needs moisturizer as well as oily skin.

It is best to use separate moisturizers day and night. Because night creams have different ingredients, which nourish the skin throughout the night, and different creams work differently, And usually, night creams are more expensive than day creams, so many people may not use a separate night cream, or many people are afraid of chemical-based cosmetics on the market due to their sensitive skin. But be happy to know that you can give your skin extra care at night without spending big bucks and giving thumbs up to chemicals. How? Let’s find out.

Make your own fairness night cream


10 peanuts

Milk or rose water

Curd 1 cup

1 tablespoon of honey

1 teaspoon of orange juice

4-5 grains of saffron

1 vitamin C tablet

1 vitamin E capsule

Collector vessel


Make your own fairness night cream

1. Soak the peanuts overnight in milk or rose water.

2. The next morning, blend the almonds in a blender or grind them to a fine paste.

3. Once the almonds are done, make a paste of the saffron as well.

4. Now, in a clean bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients, like sour cream, honey, lemon juice, and paste.

5. Then crush the vitamin C tablet and break open the vitamin E capsule to extract the oil from inside.

6. Now mix all the ingredients well and keep them in the container you want to collect.

7. Keep the container in the deep freezer for the first 24 hours and then in the normal freezer.

8. Now clean your face well every night with face wash and use your own night cream.

You will see the results after two consecutive weeks of regular use. Your skin will become bright, smooth, supple, sun-blem-free, and radiant, and you will fall in love with your own skin. There are no side effects as it is made of completely natural ingredients. So, when are you going to try this completely profitable beauty recipe?

But if you don’t want to make night cream yourself, You can buy a good-quality night cream and use it.

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