Hand and foot care in the winter:Winter is coming soon. At the same time, our skin is also changing. But it is not only the face that needs to be taken care of. Hands and feet, but they carry a large part of our beauty. Therefore, in addition to face care, hands and feet should also be taken care of. Here are some key tips and products for hand and foot care. They will help keep your skin soft and moisturized in the winter.
Hand and foot care in the winter
Table of Contents
Hand care:

In winter, our hands usually become dry and chapped, so we need to take special care to keep our hands soft. Apply lotion immediately after each hand wash. Applying lotion to slightly wet skin helps it retain moisture well for a long time. Also, put on gloves after applying hand lotion at night before going to bed or going out. It will protect your hands from the cold weather outside. There are different types of hand creams to keep hands soft.
Foot care:

Many of us forget to take proper care of our feet, but feet are one of the most important parts of our body to take care of. So more attention should be paid to foot care in the winter. Cracked feet are the biggest problem for most people in our country during the winter. There are many brands of creams available on the market to prevent cracked feet. Apply night cream or lotion and wear socks for best results. It lets the skin of the feet absorb the cream well. This keeps the feet moist and slowly reduces their cracking. I’ll mention some creams for you. They are very good at preventing cracked feet and making the feet soft.
Fabindia Herbal Heel Balm
Biotique Costus Foot Massage Cream
Sally Hansen, Healing Foot Crème
Himalaya Foot Care Cream
The Body Shop Hemp Foot Protector
Body lotion and body butter:

Winter is unthinkable without body lotion or body butter. Many of us don’t have much idea about body butter. It works like a body lotion. But, body butter is much thicker than lotion. It helps the skin keep moisture for a long time. So body butter is very useful for winter. There are different brands of body butter. Bodyshop brand body butter is very famous among them. At the same time, this company has different flavors of body butter. The body butters come in many flavors. These include chocolate, strawberry, mango, coconut, and more.
Now let’s come to the body lotion. Vaseline body lotions work very well. Vaseline has different types of lotions. You can choose according to your preferences. The Bodyshop brand includes Chocomania, Mango Whip, and Strawberry Puree body lotions. It also includes many more body lotions. You can buy fair and lovely body lotion at low prices.
There are also:
Lotus Herbals Whiteglow Skin Whitening
Nivea Smooth Milk
Nivea Express Hydration Body Lotion
Dove Essential Nourishment Body Lotion
Himalaya Intensive Moisturizing Body Lotion
Buttermilk and Aloe Soothingly Sensitive Lotion from Burt’s Bees
Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion
Some packs for hands and feet:

Mix sugar with lemon juice and rub well on the palms and hands. It works as a very good scrub. This scrub helps to brighten the skin of the hands and soften the hands.
Mix half a cup of papaya, half a cup of pineapple, and 8 teaspoons of honey in a blender and apply it to your hands. Wash off after 30 minutes.
Mix 1 teaspoon of Vaseline, 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil, and 1 teaspoon of glycerin well. Then, massage the whole body for one hour before taking a bath. It is very beneficial to retain moisture in the skin during the winter.
Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, and 1 teaspoon of rose water. Apply it to your hands and feet an hour before taking a bath. If you want, you can take more quantity, mix it, and store it in a glass bottle.
Hand and foot care in the winterHand and foot care in the winterHand and foot care in the winterHand and foot care in the winterHand and foot care in the winter