Discussion and criticism of fairness creams: Although it is unpopular, it is true that in our society, only fair girls still win. Now it is not only in Bangladesh but in many countries around the world. As a result, our brunettes are spending time and money on color-fairing creams. And businessmen are not wrong to take this opportunity. Cosmetics companies are coming up with different color-lightening creams.
Its market has gradually grown over the decades. Once the celebrities started promoting these products, sales went up. A research firm in India found that the market for skin-lightening makeup was worth $432 million in 2010. It is increasing by 18 percent every year. Maybe many people have benefited from this. Many others are using these creams, relying on his words and results.
This is how the fairness cream craze is spreading. It’s going from one or two people to many. Why aren’t there only girls these days? Boys are also buying different creams to lighten their skin tone. Everyone was mesmerized by the magic of these creams. But, the results remained hidden. Today, my attempt will be to uncover the veil of lies from the ever-true scientific review.
Discussion and criticism of fairness creams
Table of Contents
Not if you don’t know that:

Our skin’s color comes from our race and heredity. It’s a big change that science has never made possible. Melanin is one of the many components of our skin. Skin color is usually determined by the presence of this melanin. More melanin makes the skin darker. Melanin is the source of brown color. It also protects us from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, like skin cancer.
Some misconceptions about fairness creams:
There are some things that are still unknown to many members of our educated society. I explained those things to them.
01 Color lightening cream makes you fair:
Fairness creams are only able to remove any tan or discoloration on the surface of the skin. So this cream can’t lighten any brunette.

All components are listed by manufacturers on the product label:
It is not true that manufacturers list all the ingredients on the product label. They are not required by law to mention all names.
03 Ayurvedic or herbal fairness creams contain no chemicals:
This idea is completely wrong. Only home remedies for glowing skin can be chemical-free. All commercial products have chemicals added for texture and longevity.
Now let’s get to know some of the ingredients that are commonly present in fairness creams.

This toxic chemical is in photo processing, rubber, and hair dye. It is a very active ingredient. Which is widely used in color-lightening creams. If these creams are applied to the face for a long time, hydroquinone reacts with UV rays. It then reoxidizes. As a result, the skin becomes darker. To reduce this blackness, we keep applying more fairness cream to the face. But, the mistake happens there. This is where the cancer cycle begins. Using fairness creams greatly reduces the skin’s natural protection.
They do this by changing the skin’s natural texture and reducing melanin production. It increases our skin cancer tendency many times. Using hydroquinone for a long time damages the skin’s connective tissue. It also thickens the collagen fibers. As a result, the face becomes scarred. The skin becomes rough and discolored. In the United States, skin-lightening creams contain only 2 percent hydroquinone. This is the amount approved by the FDA. However, creams found in many Asian countries contain up to 15% hydroquinone. As a result, these creams can be powerful for discoloration. But, they can be very dangerous for the skin if used for a long time.
Kojic Acid:

This is a new discovery. It is a form of vitamin C that blocks a step in the skin’s melanin production. Melanin is a brown pigment present in the skin layer, which is responsible for the brown color of the skin. Commercial products only contain very small amounts of this acid and are safe for the skin.
Retinoic Acid:
It is a vitamin A derivative that works by peeling the top layer of the skin. In this process, dark skin cells are eliminated. The lower skin layer takes their place. It is relatively lighter in color. Dermatologists recommend retinoic acid, hydroquinone, and steroids.
Discussion and criticism of fairness creamsDiscussion and criticism of fairness creamsDiscussion and criticism of fairness creamsDiscussion and criticism of fairness creamsDiscussion and criticism of fairness creams